The Humors OUT NOW. Buy Album

Album art for The Humors by Ryan Dugre
Album art for The Humors by Ryan Dugre

The 10 tracks on The Humors feels like taking a refreshing breath of cool air after miles of riding in a car with no A/C.

- Paste

…[The Humors] has a modern classical bent, with subtle electronics, gorgeous string sections and interesting rhythmic twists complementing his expert playing.

- Tyler Wilcox

…Displaying a keen sense of space, silence, instrumental prowess and melodic vulnerability.

- Atwoods Magazine

Upcoming Shows

Ricardo Dias Gomes
Crew Hassan
Lisbon, Portugal
Ricardo Dias Gomes
Maus Habitos
Porto, Portugal
Ryan Dugre Solo
Bunna Cafe
Brooklyn, NY
Kim Anderson
Jazz Gallery
New York, NY
Red Rocks
Morrison, CO